Vetro Power Advanced Material Care, consists of a range of specialised protective coatings for various stone surfaces. Absorbent stone surfaces, e.g. light concrete, mineral concrete, translucent concrete, aerated concrete, exposed concrete, shotcrete, polymer concrete, granite, marble, sandstone, slate, limestone, clay tiles, etc. Non-absorbent surfaces, eg: high density ceramic/stoneware, polished & unpolished granite, marble etc. Through collaborations with industrial partners across the globe, we deliver potent PFOA & PFOS-free coatings that provide exceptional liquid repellency, resistance to water, liquids, oils, stains, moss & algae prevention, anti-fingerprint and other features. Importantly, these coatings maintain the natural look, feel and texture of stone, ensuring functional benefits with no negative impact on the material or the environment.

PFOA and PFOS Free



VP Porous Stone Protector
SIO2 & Water-based Superhydrophobic Nanocoating for Porous Stone Surfaces.
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VP Porous Stone Protect - High Performance Moss Prevention
SIO2 & Water-based High Performance Superhydrophobic & Oleophobic Nanocoating for Porous Stone Surfaces with Moss & Algae Prevention.
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VP Non-Absorbent Surface Protection
SIO2 & Solvent-based Superhydrophobic & Oleophobic Nanocoating for High Density Ceramic/Stoneware Surfaces and Granite & Marble (Polished & Unpolished).
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VP Stoneware 1K Pro
SIO2 & Solvent-based Superhydrophobic & Oleophobic Nanocoating for High Density Ceramic/Stoneware Surfaces and Granite & Marble (Polished & Unpolished).
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